This coming 9th of September, the lush botanical gardens of ‘Pluk Den Haag’  are host to the ‘Conscious Experience  Festival’, (Bewust Ervaren Festival) organised by ‘Bewust Den Haag’,  a group of local professionals and contributors to  an inspiring way of looking at life , all evolving around personal wellbeing and a more durable world.

Together with fellow energy therapists and counselors,  energycounseling,nl  will participate with a colourful booth, exchanging information on several ways to approach Energy Medicine Therapy, Retreats, Personal Development and Counseling  and free Bodylanguage of Energy clinics;  sharing simple energy medicine techniques to apply in daily life,  using the naturally available the energy systems of your own body.

Last but not least, draw a Nan Yar – Who Am I card with which, like no other, you are your own coach and counselor.

Free Body language of Energy clinics in English

  • Throughout the day the Botanical garden of Pluk will be the backdrop to our Body language of Energy clinics in groups of max. 12 people.
  • To register in advance send a mail through the contact form, with your name, age and possible circumstances we should take into account.  On the 9th of September itself, go to our booth, where you will be informed on starting times and location in garden. 

To have a one to one exchange with one of our energy therapists or counselors

  • send your question trough  the contactform  and we will connect and set an appointment.  

Merel de Waard,  (Energy Therapy, Retreats and Energy Academy) Monique Luijken (Energy therapy and Transpersonal Counseling) Monique van der Tang (Foot reflexology and Shiatsu, Marc Altena, (spiritual counselor i.t.)and yours truly  Ingrid Schippers ( Nan Yar Who Am I and Bodylanguage of Energy) heartily invite you to exchange on the art of enjoyment and experiencing in unity with yourself and others.

More information on the festival in Dutch can be found on: Bewust Den Haag bij Pluk 

This blog continues with  a short ‘why and how’ energy medicine can be applied by everyone,

The good thing about applied energy medicine, is that the body already knows about the techniques that are accessible 24 hours a day.

Rejuvenation with the help of simple energycises. 

Our present day society feeds an incredible amount of information every day. This impacts the nervous system, harbouring the ‘fight, flight or freeze’ response in the reptillian brain since the very beginnings of human time on earth. During the Hunter and Gatherer days, this system served a survival mechanism.  Their moments of stress however were relatively short lived. Every burst of adrenaline used for hunting or defence had a recovery program waiting  at the campftire, exchanging experiences and rebuilding energy reserves.

Even up to 200 years ago, life supplied less interference with the average life traveller only challenged by local misgivings rather than global.
Only 50 years ago cell phones were yet to be invented and workers spending full days behind computerscreens were yet to be born.
As it is now, being available 24 hours a day, keeping up with the most profitable buys, latest trends and international breaking news disasters (because bad news pays off),  has become so normal, it goes unnoticed how the human nervous systeem is switched on 24/7; manipulated by governments, marketeers and trendsetters to enhance an overheated economy (which a larger percentage of the world population suffers for)

Take responsibility and rejuvenate

The infamous ‘flight fight or freeze’ response is often seen as the culprit of stress. Less known is that the same vagus nerve that is at the center of this ancient way of dealing with life,  also has a recovery mode.

Both the individual  and group ‘energy counseling’ clinics at the Festival of September 9th introduce simple energy medicine techniques to switch from ‘flight, fight’ to recovery mode, such as:

  • Therapeutic touch and transmission of energy
  •  How to ground, how to breath and how to be present in simple and easy ways
  • ‘Tapping and Tracing.  Simple energy techniques with which to regulate and enhance the Yin and Yang energy flow.
  •  Practical information about the rejuvenation capacity of the nervous system and how to invite this into your life.

Sources :

The Body Language of Energy
Energy Medicine by Donna Eden and David Feinstein ISBN 9781585426508
Accessing the healing power of the vagus nerve, Stanley Rosenberg ISBN 9781623170240
Overprikkeld brein,(Dutch) Charlotte Labee, ISBN 9789043924887