King of Challenges

Self respect is quite something. To protect boundaries. To dare and say NO. To dare and follow your heart, while logistics and the perspective of others might demand differently

The Yang energy of the King Of Challenges  without a doubt demands respect as well as full awareness on how your own contributions add to the greater good.

Also to respect  other peoples accomplishments or boundaries can be a challenge.

The colour ‘Challenges’ is all about developing the spiritual component, the deep inner knowing of who one is. The King represents the soul of this Yang energy , challenging life happenings.

Questions to ask yourself:

At which moments over the past year did I feel respected? Did I dare to embrace that respect?
At which moments did I pay respect to the accomplishments and opinions of others? Did I do so from my own free will?


 Klik voor verdere uitleg over de Koning van Uitdagingen op de kaart

Hoe je de Nan Yar Wie Ben Ik kaarten gebruikt voor het verwerven van zelfinzicht staat beschreven in:

het 12 heilige nachten ritueel

de maan

© afbeelding Juliette Dreyer