There is this famous saying of I believe of Buddhist origin, which says:

 “You suffer not because you live in the world but because the world lives in you,

I believe it means as much as that we are more inspired and directed by what happens in the world around us, than by what lives within us.

Now more than ever, this is supported by modern day communications.
During most of our waking hours, either through our cellphones, i-pads, pods, computers and whatever else or simply by watching television;  we are constantly tossed around to all corners of the world witnessing Brexit, presidential elections,terrorist attacks, beheadings, torture, at least one staged coupe also this year, false statements, governments exploiting their peoples, fellow human beings being denied a safe place to stay, and the list goes on and on and on.
Looking back at 2016, offers a wide choice of home and hand made human disaster, corruption, narcisism and materialism that can easily make you sick to the stomach.

But we don’t really want that do we? So what should we look back on during the upcoming holidays, in which we are supposed to commemorate the holy power that came to earth to save humanity, and which we celebrate by overeating and giving far too expensive presents to each other?

To those of you who feel I’m spoiling the Christmas Spirit I would like to say I’m merely highlighting a sad truth.
But then you would be right to say that we cannot make the world a better place by summing up its evil and miseries and that especially Christmas is the time of year where we should grab the chance to show eachother that amidst world wide gruesomeness, we still can find ways to be nice and kind and understanding towards each other.

I think the secret to that positive state of mind is to pierce through the veil of illussion. To remember that the one hour news bulletin is but an abridged report of what happened during 24 hours to 7 billion people, selected by money controlled media stations (yes also in the so called free western world) and cleverly made money making oriented commercials that pentetrate and manipulate our subconscious like there is no tomorrow.

The good news however  is that there is a tomorrow. It’s called 2017, a new start, a new chance, with new beginnings.

Even better news is that we all have the same potential, each in our very special ordinary way, to make this word a better place, simply by replacing polarity with morality; self-centeredness with the willingness to share and the need to own lots and lots of material goodies by the need to lead an accomplished life in the spiritual sense of the word.

It’s not that complicated, looked upon like this.

So, I wish you all lots of good times, gratifying and satisfying endeavors for 2017, and I’d say start practicing now; it might well give a peaceful and content 2016 Christmas.

One extra tip: switch off the television, computer and cell phone, even if its only for one afternoon; choose your old time favorite book from your bookcase, make yourself a punch, wrap your woolen blanket around you; read for a few hours and then go for a walk in nature and ask yourself what you would like to change for 2017.

Let’s be loving, forgiving and grateful for what we do have. Let’s be good.
Santa is coming to town.

Ingrid Schippers, December 13 2016

To connect, send me a mail at, or leave a comment through the form at the bottom of the page.

And before you leave….draw your own Nan Yar- Who Am I card of the day on the right of this blog. Click the card and let your subconscious do the thinking…

This blog is featured as spoken end note of the Dutchbuzz edition of December 13 2016, broadcasted  on The Hague FM from 10.00 tot 11.00 pm or on the Dutchbuzz podcast of  December 13  2016